Hiiiii everyone, in these past weeks I've learnt some words such as, burglar alarm or even the abbreviation ASAP. I've learnt, for example, that:
"Scrumptious" means Delicious
"Burglar alarm" is an alarm that goes off when someone breaks into your house.
"ASAP" means As Soon As Possible.
I've also learnt that trees don't listen when dogs are barking at them, but that's another whole story.
So, you really learn when you are really interested, even more when you are lucky and can count on somebody whose language is the one you want to studied. And I've thought about all the possible ways to learn English, and to learn how to love it as well and this is what I came with:
http://newspaperblackout.com/ (This thing is sick, I'm telling you)
Some books
Some songs
And well these are my tricks pretty much, there are more ways to learn English obviously, but I wouldn't do it in any other way (Regardless of the grammar learnt at school. This is mostly vocabulary and maybe pronunciation)
Love ya.
See ya.